Thursday, January 28, 2016

Easy Bird Feeder

 I was cleaning off the top of the fridge the other day and came across a box of OLD Cherrios... I mean like, I-think-I-opened-the-box-before-we-moved-to-Arizona-OLD!

But rather than throw them away I decided to use them for two other - no-eating - things.  The first,

Bird Feeders!

This is seriously one of the simplest ideas ever!  First, string some cherrios on a piece of wire and wrap the end around.

Then string on a bunch of cherrios.

Then, wrap the end around the beginning and bed into a shape!

Finally, hang them somewhere outside for the birds to enjoy!  Seriously, it is that easy!

You could even use pipe-cleaners, but I didn't have any of those handy.


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