Monday, April 18, 2016

The Best Fajita Soup EVER!

So I totally made this up, on the spot, while camping, and I am not kidding, it. is. AMAZING!  

I was planning on having Fajitas, like I've posted before, but in a dutch oven.  

Well I got to the campsite and had forgotten my spice mix and was flying by the seat of my pants and ended up making the best soup ever!

So here's what you'll need,

*Protein of Choice!  I used thin sliced beef
*1 bag of frozen onions/pepper mix ($1 if you buy the store brand at most grocery stores) (Love this stuff! I use it all the time, you can't buy that much fresh for that price and it's pre sliced!)
*1 Jar of salsa of choice
*Sour Cream
*Tortillas (corn)

All you do is dump the meat (mine even started frozen!) onion/pepper mix, half a jar of salsa and a cup or so of water in the pot and let it simmer until the meat is done!

We did it in the dutch oven and just put 15 or so briquettes on bottom and about the same on top.  

It smelled sooooo delicious!!!

When it's done scoop it out and we topped it with sour cream and cheese (tomatoes would be really good too!)  Everything mixes together and is just, MmmMmmm Good!  


Arizona sure does sunsets up right!

Wild horses in our campground!

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