Saturday, September 5, 2015


Despite my best efforts, summer got to me!  I tried to keep posting, but man, it was just more than I could muster this last month!

Early in July my brother-in-law came home from his church mission!  Wahoo!  He spent the last two years in South Africa preaching the Gospel to the people there.  I'm having troubles linking up to his blog, but I'll work on it :)

Then Later in July we went to Disney Land for part of a week!  Lots of fun there with cousins for our little guys to play with :)

Then two days after returning from Disney we headed to Southern Colorado to visit my family for a week!  Loved that!  We have some land there that we like to escape to.  No cell service, no internet, and a lot of family fun!

Then, a week or so after that my husband took his qualifying exams!  yikes!  Of course he passed with flying colors!  (ok, so really we just know that he passed, they don't actually give you a 'score' just pass or fail, but I know he passed with flying colors!)

Then a week after that, school started for my husband!  So far, not too bad, cross your fingers!

And two weeks ago we took away the binkey and started potty training in the same week... just shy of two weeks before Mr. A turned three... maybe not the best timing ever, but things are going shockingly well!  I may just post about both those things eventually :)

So I apologize for the break, and I won't pretend that I will be able to post completely regularly, but I sure will try!  My boys keep me busy!  Ciao!

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